Monday, 2 January 2023

Top 15 Christian Books Read in 2021/2022

It’s time for my Christian book recommendations for 2021/2022For those that missed them, you can also see my 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 selections.

You can read my Goodreads reviews by clicking on the title link. 

1. Forgive Me Natasha- For those who enjoy dramatic stories of conversion, this autobiography documents the life of a Communist Youth leader turned Christian in Russia. 

2. To The Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson- The life of this well-known missionary despite his many setbacks and trials is always an inspiration.

3. The Demon Gods of Thorny River- Superstition and ancestral worship run rampant in this short account dealing with the dangers of the Occult. Lessons can be learned and warnings adhered to.


4. Green Leaf in Drought- Probably the only Isobel Kuhn book that hasn't been a disappointment. This short account deals with a family trapped in China and expelled as "foreign devils" during the rebellion.


5. No Greater Love- Perhaps my most controversial choice but it provides a more balanced view on the doctrine of God's sovereignty vs man's responsibility.


6. The Guiding Hand- Another book dealing with persecution in China but this one is autobiographical.


7. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire- Definitely not what I was expecting. Slightly on the charismatic side but with a focus on prayer.


8. How To Win Souls and Influence People- Evangelistic experience and advice from someone I have a lot of time for, Ray Comfort.


9. The Least, The Last and The Lost- This book can come across as a rant if you don't first listen to, or read, the testimony of the author and understand that it's more born of frustration that the evangelical church isn't doing more to reach those living in deprived communities.


10. Look, No Hands!- Heart-breaking tale of Brian Gault born with deformities due to the Thalidomide drug. However, Brian gains a new perspective when he becomes a Christian.

11. Called To Go- The impossibilities of missionary work and one lady's attempts to hurdle them, in God's strength, in the jungles of the Amazon.

12. My Beloved Russia: A Story of God's Love for a Persecuted People- For the historians, this tale of growing up in Russia from the perspective of a Christian looking back is probably unique.

13. Out Of The Black Shadows- Best autobiographical account I've read for quite a while. Gang member Stephen Lungu is dramatically converted. His terrible childhood may upset some readers.

14. Fearless Pilgrim: The Life and Times of John Bunyan- This was a marathon but well worth reading. It will encourage you not to choose the broad path but to stay on the narrow that leads to life.

15. Fanny Crosby: The Blind Girl's Song- I'm aware these Trail Blazers books are for teens but I learned a lot about this famous poet and hymn writer. 


So, that's my list for 2021/2022. Hopefully, you find something on it worth looking at for 2023. Happy reading!