Thursday, 31 December 2020

Top 10 Christian Books Read in 2020


It’s time for my Christian book recommendations for 2020. My Goodreads Challenge lists 140 books. I read a lot more secular books than usual especially during the second part of the year largely due to finding them free locally and being at home a lot due to Covid-19.

For those that missed them, you can also see my 201620172018 and 2019 selections.

You can read my Goodreads reviews by clicking on the title link. 

1. Living Stones of the Himalayas- The third in the trilogy by an American missionary surgeon in Nepal. These are funny and real.

2. 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You- I remember this giving me a shock earlier in the year but then I promptly forgot its warnings and carried on as before....It seems to be virtually impossible to separate ourselves from the technology that we have become reliant on.

3. The Victor- Much loved children's author Patricia St John shines in this lesser known tale of forgiveness.

4. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe- A classic and well worth a re-read. Surely everyone has now heard about the Chronicles of Narnia, if only people thought about the spiritual side of things too.

5. Tony- Little known auto-biography by a man who came to faith from a background of drink but was then lured by false promises of healing when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

6. John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace- Well researched biography about this slave trader turned Christian minister.

7. Lady Jane Grey: Nine Day Queen of England- I don't always get on that well with Faith Cook's writing style, but this is well written and an eye opener for the Ecumenical movement.

8. Born Again- Every Christian will know this story about the dramatic fall from grace of prominent politician Charles Colson and how he found faith in the midst of his trial.

9. No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green- This has to feature as it had such a big impact on me as a young Christian. The tragic story of Keith Green who lost his life at 29 told through the eyes of his wife.

10. Singing Through the Night- Eye opening stories about the persecuted church.

So, that's my list for 2020. Hopefully, you find something on it worth looking at for 2021. Happy reading!