It is assumed, almost universally, that everyone knows what a Christian is. Sadly, as societies drift further and further from God, ignorance reigns.
In recent weeks, when I’ve explained what I believe to individuals, I’ve been asked what faith I belong to, what denomination I’m in, and even whether I’m a Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon, Catholic or with the Latter Day Saints, (the same as Mormons.)
When I respond that I’m a Christian, a Christian that believes the Bible, I usually receive a bewildered look. Of course, no one says anything at this point because in Britain we are too polite, but I know exactly what they are thinking. They’re wondering why I take it all so seriously and insist on telling others about it. And, perhaps they are confused because they also believe they are a Christian but recognise that there is something very different about my life in comparison with theirs.
So, I thought it would be helpful to dispel the myths by explaining what a Christian is not…..
1. Someone who was born in England, America, or any other countries that are, or have been, culturally Christian. There may well be Christians in these countries, but being born into the country doesn’t make someone a Christian. When I speak to someone and ask them when they became a Christian, as soon as they reply “from birth,” or “I was born one,” or “I’ve always been one,” I know there is something amiss. A Christian can usually date their conversion, if not by exact date, to an age, or period of a few years, even if they were very young.
2. Someone who goes to church. Again, most Christians attend church regularly: the Bible says we shouldn’t give up meeting together and gives instructions for how church should be organised. But, there are plenty of people attending church that aren’t Christians. There is now even a church for atheists! Many people go through religious rituals of all kinds, and a lot of these are very sincere, but these things don’t make someone a true Christian. Likewise, many attend church at Christmas and Easter, weddings and funerals, but this won’t save them.
3. Someone who has been christened, baptised or confirmed. In response to the question, “are you a Christian?” people often tell me they have been christened or baptised, usually as a baby. Others point out that they’ve gone through a religious ceremony at a certain age. However, a lot of these people don’t even believe in God, and the fact of their christening has made no difference in their life. They just keep it as a “get out of jail free” card, as if it will possibly make everything okay in the end.
4. Someone who lives a good life or is a good person. Most people, on some level, associate Christianity with being a good person; doing charitable works, helping people, giving to the poor etc. I often get told I’m a good person by non-Christians who think I’m involved in some kind-of social work. Those that question further and find out that I’m basically sharing my faith with people are less enamoured. If I get the chance to explain, I will tell them why helping people practically with immediate needs won’t help them with their eternal destination on Judgement Day. The fact is that we cannot live good lives, or be good people. We are born with sinful natures which mean that even our good acts are tainted by mixed motives. One small thing that we do wrong is enough to keep us out of Heaven forever. It’s bad news for all those that are relying on their good works outweighing their bad when they stand before God, no one will make it.
5. Someone who knows the Bible. There are people out there who are relying on their academic knowledge, or being widely read. They are often the same people who dismiss parts of the Bible when it suits them. They know what the Bible says but it hasn’t changed their lives. I’ve met older people like this: when asked if they are Christians, they respond sharply, “of course,” but follow up questions reveal that they don’t understand the Gospel message. They know verses from the Bible, and hymns, and can quote these at length. When I gently try to explain what I believe in the hope they will realise it’s different to what they’ve said, they become offended and then belittle me. They remind me that these are things they’ve known their whole lives and have been brought up on. They can’t understand why I’m even speaking to them, and tell me to go and talk to others who need to hear what I’m saying. It is tragic that these sincere people are not saved.
6. Someone who is in full-time Christian work. On a recent camp, a young girl was astonished when I suggested that some Church of England vicars may not be Christians. I’m sure there are many that are, but some will just be doing a job. Certainly, in previous generations, men chose “the church” as their profession whether or not they believed the truths they were teaching. There were some serving alongside me on the mission field who later renounced the faith. We’ve seen recently, the well known pastor and author, Joshua Harris, abandon the faith, and his marriage. We can’t assume that church leaders, youth workers, missionaries, or others in Christian work, are Christians.
7. Someone who has a relative that is a Christian. This is an interesting one. I’ve met people who say, “my wife does the religious bit,” or “my niece is the one who’s into all that.” Sometimes, these people seem to be relying on their connection to this person whether through marriage or biology. They think that they don’t need to do anything about it themselves because their family is somehow covered by the devotion of the one person with faith. This is not a common view, but needs to be mentioned. The Bible makes it clear that faith is an individual matter, and that on Judgement Day we will stand alone before God to account for our lives.
8. Someone who separates themselves from the world. There are many examples of people believing that God desires us to cut ourselves off completely from society and live nomadic lives. The idea is that we are tainted by the sin of the world and therefore need to be separate in order to be holy and acceptable to God. There are monks, and some nuns, that have done this, and even harmed themselves physically, in an attempt to prove their devotion. The Bible says that we are to be in the world but not of it and that we are to be witnesses to non-believers. How can we do this if we are living completely separate lives? God does not require this of us and it is actually a form of self-righteousness or pride, thinking that we can reach God by our sincerity or acts of devotion over and above other people.
9. Someone whose life doesn’t change when they are converted. A Christian is a new creation with the Holy Spirit living inside them changing their desires, thoughts, attitudes and behaviour. If there is no visible difference, over time, between a person’s life before and after they say they became a Christian. There is a problem with their story. This is often what happens when someone makes an on the spot decision at a crusade, rally or meeting. They are swayed by the emotional atmosphere and really believe they should respond to an altar call but, afterwards, they change their mind, or forget the decision, or choose to continue as before. It is God who is at work, changing a person, and He doesn’t fail. We all mature at different rates but there is no such thing as a carnal Christian. Christians will fall into sin from time to time as we are all tempted, but they will respond in repentance and faith not in defiance and continuation of the sin.
10. Someone who doesn’t believe the Bible. There are people around who say they are Christians but either reject the whole of the Bible, or parts of it. These people haven’t understood the Gospel message of salvation. The Christian faith rests entirely on the Bible. It is God’s Word and therefore our source of authority. It provides instructions for life and conduct. More importantly, it tells us how we can be saved judgement for our sin, and go to Heaven forever. A person who thinks the Bible is unimportant, old-fashioned, out of date, or who doesn’t read it, or who rejects large parts of it, is not a Christian. This includes cults like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons (Church of the Latter Day Saints.) Both cults have their own religious books that contradict parts of the Bible. They don’t believe that Jesus is God.
11. Someone who is religious. When talking to people in the street, they often say, “I’m not religious” as if that is an answer to the Christian message. Somehow, people have convinced themselves that they don’t have to think about God unless they are religious. That God is only for religious people and as they aren’t religious they can live without reference to Him. This is an illogical philosophy. If God exists and created everything and everyone, we are all accountable to Him whether we are religious or not. It’s the same for those who believe they can somehow magic God out of existence by what they believe; “I don’t believe in God therefore He can’t judge me.” A more logical approach would be to say, “I’ve considered the Christian message and decided I don’t believe it is TRUE. I understand the consequence if I’m wrong but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Ultimately, Christians can’t force someone to believe, they can only present the Gospel message and ask people to consider whether it is true. If it’s true then it applies to everyone so look carefully at the overwhelming evidence!
12. Someone who focuses on signs, wonders and miracles. The Bible makes it clear that there will be people who have been involved in these things that are not saved. They may even convince themselves that they are doing these things in Jesus’ name but He will reject them on Judgement Day. This includes those who steal money from people for so-called faith healings and then live in luxury and self-indulgence. We cannot buy miracles, health, wealth or happiness from God and no human can provide these things on God’s behalf. We are told to pray to God and wait for His answer. A true Christian knows that they cannot expect a life of ease and prosperity because we are told to count the cost of following Jesus and that we should take up our cross and follow Him daily.
Having explained what a Christian is not, it would be remiss of me not to, briefly, explain what a true Christian is. The Bible says:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life.” (John 3 vs 16)
“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10 vs 13)
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10 vs 9)
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1 vs 9)
A true Christian is someone who acknowledges that they have sinned against God. They have confessed their sin and turned away from it (repentance). They have placed their whole faith and trust in Jesus, who lived a perfect life, and then died in their place on the cross. Jesus was punished by God instead of the sinner. They are following Jesus as Saviour and Lord, seeking to live a life that pleases Him. They have a certain hope of Heaven through Jesus’ death and resurrection, not through the good things they now do.
As you can see, being a Christian is about what you believe, not about any number of other things. A true Christian will change and become more like their Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The first step is to believe that He died for you on the cross and to ask for forgiveness of your sin. He promises to forgive all those who come to Him and ask.
Have you trusted Jesus yet?