I have always had an interest in
writing, but more so in reading. I devoured books as a child. I sometimes even
wrote stories that tended to be spin-offs from the movie I’d just watched. It
was obvious these didn’t really contain any unique material or ideas! Since my
stories often featured drawings as well, it wasn’t long before I realised that
my skills in the latter were non-existent. This realisation usually came
through the not-so-well masked facial expressions of various adults. Hence, my
writings became text-only.
As a Christian missionary on
Logos Hope from 2011-2013, I spent a day every two months composing my
newsletters for my supporters. I tried to make sure they were thorough,
colourful (with photos,) detailed and interesting. They seemed to be enthusiastically
received. But I suppose that was to be expected as I’d been given training in
how to write them. One point that stuck in my mind during the training was
about what not to do rather than what
to do. Maybe that says something about my personality, but I won’t dwell on
that here…
It was mentioned in passing that
we shouldn’t spend too much time detailing our personal spiritual experiences.
These tend to put people off since often the reader can’t relate to them. That
struck on immediate chord with me--the monotony of reading page after page of
someone else’s vague encounters with God and their subsequent attempts to
analyse them. I determined from the outset to try to connect with my readers by
making my content as relevant as possible. I thought about what I would want to
hear about if I was at home, the things I would be interested in, and,
conversely, the things that would bore me or that I would skip through.
People do want to know that their missionaries are trusting God and
learning through their experiences on the field. But they don’t need the spiritual lessons spelled out for them in tedious
detail. These lessons are easily evidenced through the way missionaries deal
with everyday events. A Bible verse at the top of the page or a list of prayer
points typically suffice. Lessons learned don’t need to be proved via lengthy
spiritually-sounding explanations that risk sending even the most faithful
supporters off into a deep snooze.
Why do some missionaries suddenly
lapse into church or “God-speak” in their newsletters? Words that long ago
ceased to be used in everyday conversation suddenly make a reappearance. I’ve
also noticed how missionaries seem to forget their sense of humour. Cross-cultural
missions create some of the most amusing situations that exist on earth. It’s
inevitable with the clash of people groups. And that’s before we consider
bringing a new and potentially threatening religion into the mix! Maybe some
people raised their eyebrows at the presence of my “Humour/Cultural” box. But
many enjoyed it, making comments to the effect that it really helped them
understand some of the dynamics I faced on a daily basis.
It wasn’t until mid-2014 that I
seriously considered writing anything more substantial for a wider readership. It came about purely because I wanted to raise awareness of a ministry
situation and realised that a book might be the best method of doing so. I
wrote They’re Rugby Boys, Don’t You Know?
to highlight the plight of teenage street boys in the Philippines addicted to a
solvent called “rugby.”
I wrote in narrative form as if I
was verbally telling the story. Some readers that knew me said they could hear
me speaking as they read. The vast majority of the feedback was positive and I
generously received a lot of 4 and 5 star reviews. But there were critics too.
People pointed out that I wasn’t a professional author, that the narrative was
rambling in places, that there were a few typos, and that it could do with a
proper edit to improve the flow. Personally, I think the latter group were more
astute and the former were just being kind as they desired to help in the
mission work!
For Rugby Boys, I did a lot of self-promotion around my mission
work—not that I wanted to or particularly enjoyed doing it, but because I had
picked up from a few articles that it was essential. I decided to self-publish
through a print on demand company, Lulu.com, largely due to their royalty
rates. I emailed the blurb about my book to all of the independent Christian
book shops in England. I submitted the e-book to all of the big websites:
Amazon, Nook, Itunes, etc. And I waited. There was not a lot of movement.
I sold a hundred or so copies to
friends and family. I joined Goodreads and other social networks to promote my
book. I started a blog. I moved from Lulu to Createspace. I read reams of
information about how to increase visibility as an author and tried various
tricks and ideas. Still there was not a lot of movement. I joined social
network groups and gave my e-book away for free to generate reviews. The
reviews trickled in but with no real impact on sales. My analysis was that
people who actually read the book seemed to enjoy it and that low sales were
still because of a visibility issue.
Then came Planet Police. I had held off writing about my police work. I
believed that I needed a spiritual purpose in writing and couldn’t just write
something for entertainment. In the end I realised that if I included my
personal testimony, it could be an effective evangelistic tool in the hands of
the right people. Concerned that some of the content might be considered
inflammatory, I approached my former police force and asked for their comments
on my draft manuscript.
Sussex Police suggested a few
things be removed. They also advised that I not publish it for my own sake! I
complied with the former and thought and prayed a lot about the latter. They
mentioned that I might offend people of other faiths with my Christian views.
They warned that my story might receive interest in a national tabloid and my
personal life might be ripped to pieces. Finally, I decided to seek the legal
protection of a publisher.
Stumbling upon the only Christian
publisher in England that accepted unsolicited manuscripts online in mid-2015, Onwards and Upwards, I submitted the
document to them. I then forgot about it, knowing that all publishers receive
thousands of manuscripts and that it had really just been a shot in the dark.
Therefore, I was somewhat astonished to receive an email a couple of days later
from the managing director stating that he had read my story, enjoyed it and
that they wanted it! I needed to buy 200 copies of the book myself and they
would do the rest. Planet Police was
published in late 2015 and to date there has been no backlash, although initial
sales are slow.
I still saw writing as something
of a hobby but began to take it a bit more seriously in 2016. A friend
mentioned that he was praying about what to write in his blog. I thought that
was a bit crazy—praying about a blog post!? Did God care about things like
that? But then I realised that he had been right. Any Christian putting
material into the public domain should ensure they are representing Jesus at
all times. My blog had to that point been quite random. I had updated it
regularly with what I was doing on the field and what I was learning, hopefully
in an exciting format. But it was time to make some changes--to take my writing
more seriously, and to pray about it first.
Do I now see myself as a serious
author? In some respects, not really. But I definitely take my writing more
seriously and ensure there is a purpose in the things that I write. I am a
Christian missionary and am currently between fields so I have time to spend
online, writing books and updating my blog. There will come a time when I will
probably not be able to prioritise these things as I will be involved in more
practical field work. I am hoping to publish The Logos Life and a sequel to Rugby
Boys this year or next. But early feedback suggests the drafts need some
further work!
All this to say, I want to share
with you here some of the practical things I’ve learned during my first few
years as an amateur author.
Self-promotion irritates people, will make you feel
uncomfortable and doesn’t make much difference in terms of sales. You need to
get your book in front of readers that will then promote it for you. Consider
offering it free for a period on Amazon Kindle. Carry out giveaways on
Goodreads and LibraryThing for visibility.
The more books you write, the more you will sell. This
is logical. In a market saturated with self-published books, you should focus
on writing what could turn out to be the next best-seller rather than spending
hours advertising/promoting your first work.
Choose a short snappy title for your book (no more than
four words) and include a word that tells the reader immediately what it is
about. I didn’t do this with my first book preferring to use a catchy phrase
from the narrative. It’s too late to change it now. But I would if I could as
it’s caused all sorts of confusion with readers thinking the book is about
rugby, the sport. Even Amazon still have it in their rugby union category!
Get it properly proofed and edited. My book had been edited,
but you’d be amazed at the number of grammar Nazis out there. They will
definitely comment on it in your review for all the world to see forever.
A well designed cover is essential. Make sure that you
are happy with it. You don’t want to be making excuses or feeling like it
could’ve been better when promoting your book.
Don’t stress about sales. Unless you get “lucky” or God
decides He wants to use your work in a spectacular way, sales will be slow,
maybe virtually non-existent, at first. Your author profile builds over time,
so don’t expect dramatic results. Try to enjoy writing your stories. Don’t
worry too much about the outcome sales wise.
Don’t pay for advertising. The only real success I’ve
heard about is through Bookbub, but
it’s expensive and the path for acceptance is paved with rejections! There are
lots of sites where you can submit your book for free. I got over a thousand
downloads through Reading Deals but
haven’t had much success elsewhere. Even that didn’t generate reviews. You can
add your book to searchable book databases to ensure it is available online.
Listen to your readers and read the reviews. Implement
suggestions for change. Don’t react angrily or take it personally if someone
doesn’t like your book. We have diverse opinions and should be free to express
them. Consider thanking the reviewer for their honesty and if they haven’t been
specific, ask them how you could improve your writing.
Become an avid reader. Offer to review other people’s
books and offer honest feedback in your reviews. Objective critique is what all
authors need, but it is sadly lacking. People prefer to avoid confrontation
using phrases like “It was good” or saying that it was “nice.” Be more specific
and say what you really mean.
Most of us are not professional authors and have other
jobs, as some readers have not so tactfully reminded me in their reviews. But
in all seriousness, we need to remember that and not expect to make a living
out of our writing. There are very few who will be gifted enough to be able to
do that, but it is not a realistic goal for most. Instead, let’s focus on our
spiritual purpose in writing and ensure our faith remains central.
I hope this post encourages you
in your writing for Christ and gives you some ideas for further reflection.
Let’s pray that our Christian readers will be challenged and encouraged. And
let’s pray that those who are not yet saved will be convicted and realise their
need of a Saviour.
Colossians 3 vs 23
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men"
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